Major Works Data Sheet For Great Gatsby
West Forsyth (3A) Major Works Data Sheet AP Language and Composition Tite o! Work' The #reat #ats$y Author' F% S&ott Fit'gerad Date o!
Major Works Info. Major Works Data. Greatest book on the Modern Library's list behind The Great Gatsby, A portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET. The Great Gatsby begins with Nick Carraway moving from Minnesota to New York in order to pursue a career in bonds.
Pu$i&ation' *+ #enre' Modernist no,e Chara&teristi &s o! The genre Modernist iterature is $est &hara&teri'e d as a reaisti& re!e&tion o! So&iety that many times sheds ight onto &orruption in go,ernment or pro$ems o! One click unbrick free download. The materiaisti& -ord%.t o!ten times deas -ith oss and despair/,ioen&e and aienation/ &hange/ sense o! Pa&e and0or &oor/ or de&aden&e and de&ay% 1istori&a.n!ormation a$out the period o! Pu$i&ation' Fit'gerad2s era -as du$$ed The 4a' Age The #reat #ats$y is $ased on Fit'gerad2s o-n &omparisons $et-een his a,ish *5s i!estye and the &hara&ter2s o!
The $ook% The 1arem 6enaissan&e $rings strongy dan&e7a$e musi&' 4a'% Prohi$ition imits the sae o! A&oho% Women are granted the right to,ote% Taking mo,ies are in,ented% Fapper dresses/ short skirts/ and more i$era!ashions arise% Major maga'ines ike Time and 6eader2s Digest!ounded% A -oman s-ims the 8ngish &hanne% 9ase$a $e&omes popuar -ith rising stars ike 9a$e 6uth% First A&ademy a-ards are hosted%. 9iographi&a in!ormation a$out the author Fran&is S&ott:ey Fit'gerad -as $orn Sep *;/ e- 4ersey $oarding s&hoo -here he maintained his poor a&ademi& re&ord% >e,ertheess/ he -ent to Prin&eton in 3 -here his a&ademi&s and a&k o! Moti,ation ater ead him to enro in the army!or WW.% During one o! His stations in Aa$ama/ he!e in o,e -ith?eda Sayre% Se,ent een year od Sayre had an o,er-heming desire!or -eath/!un and eisure and &orrespondingy deayed their -edding unti Fit'gerad heightened his e&onomi& a&&ompishment s% A!ter pro,ing himse! -ith the enormous su&&ess o! His pu$i&ation This Side o!
Paradise/ Fit'gerad and Sayre got married in >Inno setup silent install. e- @ork%. Pot summary' Chapter 7 >i&k Carra-ay mo,ed to the West 8gg distri&t o! Long.sand!rom Minnesota in the summer o!
** to -ork in the $ond $usiness% >i&k i,es net door to a mysterious man names 4ay #ats$y -ho thro-s e&i ting parties that e,eryone see ms to kno- a$out% >i&k graduated!rom @ae% Bne night he dri, es to 8ast 8gg to ha,e di nner -ith his &ousin Dai sy and her hus$and Tom% Whie he is the re he aso meets a go!er names 4o rdan 9aker%.n this &hapter -e!ind out that Tom has a di!!erent o, er in >e- @ork% Chapter *7 Bn day Tom and >i&k are going into the &ity $ut Tom makes them stop in a gray,aey -here >e- @orks ashes are dropped% There are the un$inking eyes o! Des&ri$e the authors stye' Fit'gerad maintains a simpe tone throughout the no,e% >i&k re!e&ting on e,erything he sees -ith the use o!!ash$a&ks% These!ash$ a&ks are key in des&ri$ing th e pot% Fit'gerad aso uses &ompeity o! Detais through imagery% >i&k aso uses imagery -hen he des&ri$es &ertain situations throughout the no,e% #i,e an eampe that demonstrates this stye/ and epain ho- it does so' And as. Sat there $rooding on the od/ unkno-n -ord/. #ats$ys -onder -hen he!irst pi&ked out the green ight at the end o! Daisys do&k% 1e had &ome a ong -ay to this $ue a-n/ and his dream must ha,e seemed so &ose that he &oud hardy!ai to grasp it% 1e did not kno- that it -as aready $ehind him/ some-here $a&k in that,ast o$s&urity $eyond the &ity/ -here the dark!ieds o!