Supcom Core Maximizer

Originally posted by:countless tests in the Gas Powered Games forums hace proven that the core maximazer does absolutely nothing under windows 7 there are also people that get salt-pills and feel better btw While it does nothing under any Windows 7 version under Professional (because the lack of Remote Desktop Service), I can certifiy it works. My setup is running Windows 7 Ultimate on a quad core AMD Phenom, I have a logitech G15 with a per-CPU monitor on the display so I can see the difference and CPU load in real-time. I also had the task manager with the CPU graph on the secondary monitor. Without coremaximizer, the first core is always at 100%, while the 3 other cores never go over 15%, even on very large battles against 7 CPU with 1000 unit cap. With coremaximizer configured with 'SupremeCommander.exe' (the steam version is not ForgedAlliance.exe); on the very same context (I have a dozen of saved game to test), the load is distributed evenly among the 4 cores (using 50-100% on them), the game is much smoother especially when selecting large amount of units. The sim speed however is not much affected as it depends on other parameters.

Originally posted by:countless tests in the Gas Powered Games forums hace proven that the core maximazer does absolutely nothing under windows 7 there are also people that get salt-pills and feel better btw Actually it does but in the steam version when running core maximazer you need to select supremecommander.exe and not FA. This is when you are playing Forged Alliance on steam.complicated i know but i remember reading it somewhere on GPGforum and it works, But if you open taskmanager and change the affinity of the program it will achieve the same result.

Supcom core maximizer download the only difference is that the effects vary. Play radioactive teddy bear zombies hacked: full version software Wonder core max role? Our client is a fantastic, long standinghellip; core maximizer download ver 1.03 wonder core.

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