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Hello Agents, I posted this a few days ago but it had some errors and didn’t get any traction, I’ve since perfected my method and wanted to share it with you. With Incursions coming out on the 12th, and not much to do until then, I figured I’d level another character to 30 to experience the story again in all its glory! Nah, who I am kidding.
I want Alts so I can run Incursions 4x a week for the best gear, and you do too! While not “necessary” to make Alts, as you can run Incursions multiple times a week, Massive has stated that the first run per week yields the Best Drops. My own personal assumption is that we can only earn Ilvl 32 set gear once per week, and High-End Gear/Weapons past that.
If this is wrong, let me know, but regardless: Below is my guide to Speed Leveling Alts In 8 Hours, utilizing what I'm dubbing the Buddy System. Proof: Pic 1 - NYC Map showing remaining uncompleted Missions/Encounters Pic 2 - Character at 30 with Supplies and Base Progress ctrl+f TL;DR like the monster you are if you choose, but don’t come crying to me when you miss out on important info or my undeniable charm. What Makes This Unique: Many clickbait guides and YouTube videos promise 'How To Level Up Fast In The Division' but only deliver the same drivel; story, side missions, encounters, in that order. Leveling my first Alt the fair way took around 15 hours, skipping cutscenes and minimizing downtime spent looking at gear/etc.
Surprisingly, I haven't seen any talk on “my” method (if someone else has discussed this let me know!), which I assumed would work for a while but finally got around to testing it out today. Here's how it works: • Run through the beginning Brooklyn missions and travel to Manhattan (this takes at most 30 minutes). • Enlist the aid of a Chivalrous Friend at level 30 to assist you for an hour (yes, one hour). I don't know, promise him chocolate, or sexual favors, or socks for Christmas (everyone loves colorful socks). • Have your Chivalrous Friend join YOUR group, and then have your friend Fast Travel to the upper-rightmost Safehouse (The Crypt, in Midtown East). • Once he/she is there, you can Fast Travel to him/her, then unlock the Safehouse, read the map and talk to the JTF Missions guy. • From here, sheepishly follow your buddy as he runs through the Side Missions with his geared character (these take at MOST 3-5 minutes each).
Take off into the world of fantasy MMORPG AION Free-to-Play and fight for the fate of your people – on the ground and in the air!
When installing with windows update, I get the error code (0x80070643). NB: The file was 38MB, far bigger than the maximum 8. After that, I restarted and tried to install the.NET Framework 4 on my computer. I tried to fix the CLR error 80004005 by uninstalling all.NET Framework versions my computer. Windows Updates & Activation I royally screwed up.
Watch your level skyrocket like a liberal’s blood pressure at a Donald Trump rally. • When you finish all Side Missions in a zone, proceed in a clockwise manner to the next Safehouse in line (clockwise is down the right side of the map, for those of you youngsters that haven’t seen an analog clock before). • Unlock the next Safehouse and repeat to your heart’s content. Details • Leveling up will happen QUICKLY. I did this with a buddy, starting at Level 06, and he hit 09 after the first Side Mission. Expect the growth rate to slow, as when you gain levels the experience needed to hit the next level increases, along with a decrease in XP given for Side Missions as you move through zones. Regardless, you can expect to gain at least a level per side mission until you hit roughly 17 (which is where we stopped to take a break).
I should have taken notes on XP and number of missions completed, but did not, as we were too busy basking in my limitless intelligence. For those counting at home, though, I leveled my buddy from 06 to 17 in about an hour, running maybe 8-10 Side Missions. Things will naturally slow down, as we’re basically taking a backwards route through the XP path, but this first part will be very fun.
• The Issue of Supplies. Completing Side Missions grants a bunch of credits (SchruteBucks) and XP, but no Supplies. Thus, should you want any abilities/talents/perks, you will need to do Missions/Encounters eventually. Then why waste time with this strategy? Much of the time spent Leveling a character to 30 is spent cowering in cover along the way, plugging away with underpowered weapons flinging bubble gum wrappers and used condoms in place of bullets. Some missions can take 30+ minutes to complete, not because of level design/mechanics, but simply because you are Shit.
No, it’s not your fault, blame your Dusty Kneepads and your Green FAL. With this method, you can skip the growing pains, get to a solid level with better gear/weapons, and run through Missions much faster.